My Self Assessment


After five blog posts (this being my 5th one), I personally think I need to improve my posts. To be honest, I did not think I would be using blogs for assignments in my English 1102 class. It has always been about essays after essays until I came into this class this semester.

When writing my blogs, I try to meet all the requirements on the given rubric in class. The areas I succeed is responding to the instructions and listing references. The areas where I have trouble is containing images, meeting the word count, and my grammar. When it comes to a blog, one can insert various images and I do not know how to do that properly because it's my first time doing this. One thing I learned about blogs is that it doesn't have to be written like an essay. Now, that for me is difficult not to do because that is what I've been used to doing, writing essays. Along with that, it is harder for me to reach the word count when it isn't essay form for some reason even though it is similar. I just  hope to improve and reach the requirements. 

Ever since I started doing these blog posts, the one thing that stresses me out is writing in my writer's voice. Blogs are not suppose to be formal, they should be a way to communicate with the public a.k.a the reader. It's difficult for me to find the right words to use without having my posts sound plain and formal, basically boring. I want to be more exciting and enthusiastic. I want that to show in my writing. I tend to reread my posts before I publish them, I try to find others words I can use, but I sometimes second guess myself. It stresses me out because I know I'm putting all my effort towards these posts. Plus, these blogs are posted publicly , meaning anyone on the web can see it especially my classmates. It just makes me uncomfortable because I prefer my professor reading it rather then my classmates or the public. Either way, it is what it is and it's not the end of the world if others read it. I just hope they're not too judgmental. 

I just hope I could improve my blogs throughout the semester and get them done on time. I usually procrastinate on many things and I try so hard not to do this on the day is due just because I have other work going on in other classes. I just have to work on time management so I can write a good blog post. I just hope to get some good pointers on my blog posts by my peers and professor and hopefully get better.   


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