Guyana is a melting pot of six ethnic groups- Amerindians, Africans, Indians, Europeans, Portuguese, and Chinese. From those ethnic groups, according to Guyana Demographics profile , 39.8% are East Indian. 29.3% are African, 19.9% are mixed race, 10.5% are Amerindians, 0.5 % are Portuguese, Chinese, European, or other. From those six, East Indian and and Africans, Indo-Guyanese and Afro-Guyanese, are the major ethnic groups. Both Indo-Guyanese and Afro- Guyanese descent came about during the Dutch colonial time period. Slaves from Africa and indentured servants from India were brought to Guyana to work on the sugarcane plantations. Since then, these ethnic groups have influences Guyana's culture, especially Indians.
As stated before, Indo-Guyanese makes up 39.8% of the population. Because Indians are the major ethnic group, the Indian religion, Hindu, is one of the major religions in Guyana. Hindu makes up 24.8% of the population. One can Hinduism in Guyana's culture through its food like curry, roti, and dhal bhat (dhal and rice) and festivals. For instance, Diwali is celebrated on the 15th day of the Hindu month of Kartik. On this day, they worship one of the Goddess, Maha Lashmi, to receive her blessings for material and spiritual fulfillment. It is supposed to be the darkest night of the month so they light up candles in rows. Also, the meaning Diwali means a row of lights which fits appropriate with the celebration. It could be celebrated amongst the Guyanese people, Hindi or non-hindu. Another celebration that could be celebrated amongst the Guyanese people is Phagwah or Holi. It is celebrated on the 5th day of the bright half of the Hindu month OMaghO and it honors the Devi, Saraswati. Phagwah celebrates the arrival of Spring where one collects ashes of variety of colors and throws it around.
Guyana is such an amazing place with many ethnicities that make up the country as a whole that it will continue to expand its culture with many generations to come.
“Culinary Traditions.” Guyana Tourism, 29 May 2020,
“Diwali (Festival of Lights).” Explore Guyana,
“Festival & Events.” Guyana Tourism, 29 May 2020,
Foster, Marissa. “Appreciation of the Indo-Guyanese Culture.” Guyana Chronicle, 8 July 2020,
the Barbados's flag in the shape of the island The Barbados is an island located in the southeast Caribbean with a population roughly about 287, 600. The Barbados is a member of the British Commonwealth meaning its government is based on the British parliamentary system. Its population consists of 92.4 % of African and African-European descent, 2.7% of white or British descent, and the rest consists of Indian, Asian, and other descents. African descent takes a huge role in the population due to the plantations of tobacco and sugar cane. Most Africans were brought from places like West Africa. At first, the British tried to grow tobacco in the soils of the Barbados but the quality of the tobacco was not good. Until the 1640s, they discovered sugar with the help of the Dutch. Sugarcane The Dutch had advised the Barbados to have a sugar production due to the high demands of sugar. By doing so, this boosted their economy and this also meant the t...
My name is Nalleli Niz and I am 20 years old. Currently, I am a student at Georgia Gwinnett College and I am majoring in Nursing. More specifically, I wish to become a Neonatal Nurse. So far, this is my first year but I have many more to go. I was born and raised in Georgia. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else but I would like to travel to other countries or places in the U.S. The only country I've ever been to is Guatemala. I've been to Guatemala almost every summer to go visit my family and friends. When I'm in Guatemala, I would go explore the pyramid ruins and go on hikes near the landmarks of volcanoes. Going to Guatemala sparked my interest in traveling because imagine all the great sights one could see. One place I would really like to travel to is the Netherlands and go see the Keukenhof Boulevard, a flower parade. I just hope to travel soon when it is safe to do so. ...
Country of Guyana Guyana is a country located in South America and it is a republic within the British Commonwealth. Guyana was named the world's best ecotourism destination in May 2019. Also, Guyana is known to have a mixing pot of six ethnic groups-Amerindians, Africans, Indians, Europeans, Portuguese, and Chinese. Each and one of these culture's play a vital role in the Guyanese culture. Out of the six, the Indians have more on an influence on the Guyanese culture t hrough its demographics in religion and ethnicity, festivals and events, and through its food.
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